Monday, February 18, 2013

Heavy lifting

faired out wall
 After another storm and some time off for work, we're back to finishing off the walls and ceiling.  The first thing was to frame out the back wall so there would be something to attach the wallboard to as the existing wall was pretty wavy.
first sheet of wallboard
A back saver has come to the rescue.  The red tool holding up the first piece of ceiling is a mechanical device that gets cranked up and adjusts to any angles.  The sheet can be adjusted once it gets close then screwed home without all the agony and swearing that occurs when done by hand.
ceiling is underway
The first row of ceiling panels are up.  Tomorrow, hopefully it will be finished and the taping can begin.  Those with long memories may remember that we posted a finished ceiling a while ago.  Unfortunately, that was accomplished with particle board beadboard and it really looked wavy so it was pulled down and thrown away.

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