Tuesday, February 19, 2013


positioned just right
the wheel has a brake to keep it from coming down - a very simple way to push that rock to the ceiling.
Here's a little better look of the sheetrock lift.  It's holding up the final sheet of ceiling rock - yay!  It's very adjustable but the wide legs make for a tight fit on an 8' by 20' room.

I got the cutouts for the outlets right the first time - miracles do happen occaisionally!
sheetrock is compete on the walls

this bump out is for a shelf and to hold a bookcase
Sheetrock is complete for the walls.  Below will be beadboard just above the window sills.  the bumpout will get beadboard and some additional work to blend it back into the wall.  The idea is to build a bookcase above it and have a wide shelf for display.  A sofa will go in front of it.

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