Monday, August 10, 2009

Side project

You can't take on one project without starting another once you are underway. Jen's digging a ditch, literally, to drain the driveway. We had put some stone down a while ago but it became overgrown and clogged with soil and weeds. This time it's going to be dug down, lined with filter fabric and filled with 3/4" stone. The 2 hour task turned into a 3 day job. The soil is real you could make a pot out of it. Clay is the opposite of sand in that the particles are flat versus round so water has a hard time penetrating. To promote being a better neighbor, we are building the trench so by the time water gets to the tree line (ie property line) it has dissipated.

Along the way, she's found a few artifacts - an intact bottle and some metal pieces to something. But probably the most valuable find are all these rocks Jen has pulled out of the ditch, some of them weighing 75lbs. These rocks will help with project # 57....building a new rock wall to allow for the extension of the brick patio so when the porch french doors open out.....they open to an outdoor living room instead of a brick pathway. One project always creates another 3.

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