Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cat Box Just Got Bigger

This is our best bud, Louie! He loves this porch addition work because we have uncovered an area of sand/clay/stuff that is far more exciting than his 18"x 24" cat box. And he doesn't even have to come inside to use it!! Joy.

Lou is sitting on the 'post-steps' part of the project. We need to clean off the cinder blocks so there is no dirt and no former mortar so we can add two more layers of blocks..some areas...three layers. 

Water came in handy again as the hose can clean out trenches on the sides and clean off dirt from above. A new nasty looking chisel hammer came in handy in some places. The activity reminded me of building sand castles on York Harbor Beach. Army Corp of Engineers here we come. 

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