Monday, January 21, 2013

Restarting the project!

Well, we're back after a long absence.  A New Year's resolution to finally button up the porch project along with many visits from friends and family and the universal comment "you still haven't finished?" has been the kick in the butt we've needed to get to action.

First step is to get the floor tiled.  To do that we have to install the heating elements - in our case a Honeywell system that is electric.  In the picture below you can make out the coils that go back and forth.  These were set in a mortar.  Since it is winter and the slab is very cold, we made the connections and turned it on in order to help cure the mortar.

First layer - heating elements
Powered up and registering 61 degrees!

The next step is to provide a separation layer between concrete of the base slab and the final surface tile.  In order to do that effectively we've used a great new product from Germany.  It is essentially a hybrid of fabric attached to a plastic.  The fabric is mortared onto the slab then another layer of mortor is placed on top filling the blocks.  The system allows for differential movement reducing (hopefully eliminating) any chance for cracking.
Separation layer
Now that the base system is in place, we will wait to let everything cure and look to install the tiles over the next weekend.
Ready for tile!

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